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Monday, March 9, 2009

New Music Monday, March 9, 2009

True confessions: this music isn't really "new," exactly. It's not that new in terms of its release, and it's not new to me. But maybe ... it's new to you?

I love sharing the music I'm listening to. That's about it.

1. TEN SHEKEL SHIRT http://www.tenshekelshirt.com/
This group might be familiar to you. You may have sung songs by them in church - Meet with Me, Healer, and Unashamed Love are rather well known.

I loved their album Much in 2001, and played it to death. In fact, I don't have it anymore - I kept loaning it to people for them to hear it. If you have it, could you get it back to me?!

They came out with Risk a couple of years later, then they disappeared. I wondered where they went (just like Jennifer Knapp, hello?!), and late last summer they finally reappeared. I think it was worth the wait. The album is titled Jubilee. Turns out they were busy pursuing social justice issues for a few years, which is totally impressive.

Their music is not like much of Christian music - predictable and over-produced. Their lyrics are solid. The title song is my favorite right now - these lines are from the chorus:

I breathe in peace
And exhale songs
Of newfound love
For the place I belong...

I mean, seriously... so good.

2. JOHANN JOHANNSSON http://www.johannjohannsson.com/
I heard this guy on KCRW's Today's Top Tune podcast http://www.kcrw.com/music/programs/tu and was immediately hooked. I hit replay SIX times. Seriously. The song was Fordlandia - which is 13 minutes long on the album, but the sample I heard was only six minutes.

The music is instrumental, ambient, electronica, but sort of classic at the same time. He uses looping and synthesizers and string quartets. It's soundtrack-for-your-life type of music. I never get tired of it. I like this album the way I liked Moby's Play. It's that good. Give it a listen.

I have others, but I'll hold out till another time.... the Lakers are on!

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