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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photos of Claire

An old friend, partner in youth ministry and teaching colleague of Claire's sent me these thoughts last night:
I have been feeling so thankful for my visit with her in July and quick hugs in the months before that. My friend with an equal fascination of the created world...I'll miss our many conversations together of all things science. Even on my last visit with Claire in July she took me on a "tour" of her backyard hand in hand, appreciating the fruiting plants. Our conversation had consisted of head nods and a few yes's, as all words seemed so difficult to form, but then Claire started to working to say something and was able to produce the word "florets" from the depths of her science mind, adding to our conversation about broccoli in the garden. Evidence of her deep love of science pouring through despite the effort I'm sure it took to access the word. Florets!

This captures the teacher and scientist in Claire perfectly.

I continue to receive photos of Claire that friends want to share. Thanks to each of you who are sharing thoughts and memories. It's just a little bit easier by being in this together. What a gorgeous woman she was; a life full of laughter, people, faith and adventure.

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